Caisse des Dépôts
We base our actions on agreements negotiated with trade unions, which include three-year progress plans that are periodically reviewed and completed in association with the unions.
For the past ten years we have achieved real and measurable progress. Nevertheless, the fight for genuine and perceived equality is still not over at all levels of management, especially in terms of access to the highest ranks. To meet these challenges, the Human Resources departments of the Caisse des Dépôts Group and its public institution are combining its strengths with those of the Alter’égales network to create the synergies required to completely transform attitudes and behaviors. The objective we want to achieve is equal recognition and dignity for all, which guarantees modernity, openness, emancipation and, ultimately, the performance of our strategy to benefit everyone. This objective echoes the founding values of the CDC Group, a long-term investor in the country’s general interest.