Speakers EVE Asia-Pacific

Chaque année le Programme Eve accueille une vingtaine d’intervenants inspirants qui partagent leur savoir et échangent avec les participants pendant trois jours.

Joanna Barsh

Mckinsey & Company’S Director Emeritus New York

Based on five years of research, she co-authored the business best-selling book, How Remarkable Women Lead: The Breakthrough Model for Work and Life published by Crown Business (2009), whichhas been translated into a number of languages. Joanna is a Director in McKinsey & Company’s New York office. Since joining the firm in 1980, she has served a broad range of consumer-facing clients on mergers and acquisitions, corporate growth strategy, performance transformation and organization effectiveness. Joanna founded The McKinsey Centered Leadership Project in 2007 to unlock the potential of talented women (and men) leaders.

Joanna is a strong advocate for women at McKinsey and beyond. In 2002, she was appointed to the New York City Commission on Women’s Issues by Mayor Michael Bloomberg. She also created “Living Portraits,” a video archive of 125+ interviews with women leaders from around the world and led McKinsey’s research effort with The Wall Street Journal’s Women in the Economy Executive Taskforce in April 2011. Her awards include the Girl Scouts Council Woman of Distinction Award and the National Council for Research on Women Achievement Award. Read more

 Frédérique Bedos

Journalist and founder of The Humble Heroes

For fifteen years, she has been a TV and radio presenter in France and abroad, especially of prestigious prime time programs. In 2010, she jumps in the unknown by creating ‘The Humble Heroes’project: a philanthropic production house aiming at putting in the sunlight anonymous heroes through portrayals and inform the public benevolently through documentaries. This is what Frederique Bedos calls “Journalism with Hope”. Frédérique has also written a book on her own story.