Dare we say it? Could the conflict in our lives (both at home and at work) be brought about not so much as a result of disagreements, but as a result of how we communicate with each other? What is communication anyway? It’s usually defined as when people oscillate between “listening” and “expressing”
Un concept à la loupe : la Communication Non-Violente
Les EVEsien·ne·s ont la chance de connaître la Communication Non-Violente (CNV) grâce aux conférences et ateliers de Thomas d’Ansembourg, qui chaque année font un tabac au séminaire. Mais c’est quoi au juste, cette communication consciente qui initierait « une forme de citoyenneté pacifiée et activement pacifiante » ?
La rédaction du webmagazine EVE a passé le concept à la loupe.
What is eudemonism?
Eudemonism: the editorial team at the EVE webmagazine wanted to learn more about this philosophical doctrine, that encourages people to be happy for the benefit of everyone.