Viviane Amar

Principal of Leading Leaders Intl Ltd, Industrial and Organizational Psychologist, Viviane Amar is a worldwide consultant practicing cultural change through Women, sharing her concepts…

Nicole Abar

Throughout her professional career, Nicole won 8 French championship titles between 1977 and 1987 and ended as the best striker of the championship in 1983…

Martin Meissonnier

Martin Meissonnier started as a newspaper music reporter. In 1989, he directed for France 3 and then Arte the musical magazine Megamix, that lasted for six years with more than 220 programs. …

Annaig Benoît

Annaig Benoît is a Coach & Talent Architect. Before funding her company, she achieved over 20 years of managerial experience in Human Ressources for L’Oréal Group.

Passionate about …

Iman Bibars

Iman Bibars is a social entrepreneur, activist, the author of several books on gender issues and a specialist in women’s development. She is also the co-founder and current chairperson of Egypt’s …

Eric Brun-Sanglard

Born in France, he moves to Boston at the age of 18 where he gets a degree in mass communication, then to Los Angeles where he becomes an art director in advertising. He participates in …

Pauline Butor

Pauline Butor works on brand communication strategies and has followed the evolution of technology and their impact on consumer behavior. She worked for four years as a project manager in the …

Michel Cassé

He is director of research and scientific adviser at the Atomic and Alternative Energies Commission (Astrophysics/ DSM/DAPNIA departments) and associate research scientist at the Astrophysics …

Odile Chabrillac

Naturopath and journalist specialized in well-being, fitness and nutrition, Odile Chabrillac is the author of ” It’s decided, I think of me “, and ” The food which makes intelligent ” (Editions Plon).
Speaker and trainer, she also leads a book collection in the “Presses de la Renaissance” and manager of works at Plon. And then she runs the web site “the”, a site specialized in well-being and sustainable development.

Laurence de Cazotte

Laurence de Cazotte has been working for more than six years, both as a coach and a sophrologist in her own company named Souffle en conscience.
As a coach, Laurence works for companies …