Swaady Martin
“If you were to scan my heart, you will see it has the shape of Africa!”
Swaady Martin is the Founder and CEO of the SWAADY GROUP, a socially-responsible group of brands processing locally African raw commodities into high-value products distributed globally. The group aspires to be the global Reference in consumer products of exception & excellence ethically “Made in Africa”. Passionate about AGRO-BENEFICIATION, in December 2012 Swaady first launched YSWARA, a company offering the highest quality African tea and artisan teatime accessories. Today YSWARA is present in 15 countries through high-end stores such as Selfridges, The Four Seasons Hotel Group, etc. In February 2016, AKRAFO, a wellness gourmet food with African superfoods, was launched and distributed through South Africa’s premier supermarkets Woolworths.
After a successful 10-years career at General Electric Co., Swaady decided to follow her passion for agro processing, African culture & heritage. At GE, she held leadership positions in several divisions across the world with her most recent posting as GE Transportation’s Director for Sub-Saharan Africa and acting-CEO for GE South Africa Technologies.
Swaady is the author/creator of the “Luxe Ubuntu” concept presented for the first time in
the book “Luxury brands in emerging markets” published by Palgrave McMillan (2014).
She has received numerous distinctions and awards. Among them, she was named “The
Queen of African Luxury” by FORBES in 2013 and one of “The top 20 young Africans
building the future of Africa”. In 2014, she was listed on Oprah Winfrey’s “O’ Power List”.
Swaady holds a Masters in Economic Sciences from the University of Lausanne and an MBA
from the London School of Economics (LSE), NYU Stern Business School and HEC Paris
Business School.

Yiping Sun
Ms SUN Yiping is Executive Director and CEO of China Mengniu, a listed company in HK Exchange, and President of Mengniu Dairy, a leading Chinese dairy producer that generates an annual revenue of over US $ 7billion, making her one of the few female leaders in the world’s top 20 dairy enterprises. Ms Sun also oversaw the development of a number of strategic…
Odile Chabrillac
Naturopath and journalist specialized in well-being, fitness and nutrition, Odile Chabrillac is the author of ” It’s decided, I think of me “, and ” The food which makes intelligent ” (Editions Plon).
Speaker and trainer, she also leads a book collection in the “Presses de la Renaissance” and manager of works at Plon. And then she runs the web site “the thedifferentmagazine.com”, a site specialized in well-being and sustainable development.