Rosaline Chow Koo
Founder & CEO of CXA Group
Frustrated by the lack of investment in technology to meet unaddressed client pain points, Rosaline invested $5M of her savings and borrowed another $5M to build her start-up CXA. Within a year, her team built the platform, acquired Singapore’s largest homegrown EB broker, won 20 Fortune 500 clients away from the global incumbents and was voted by HR as one of the best vendors of the year. Now CXA has received $11M in VC funding and is expanding to 10 countries across Asia. Rosaline supervised Procter & Gamble factory lines in Iowa and then worked in 8 different roles over 8 years at Bankers Trust on Wall Street. She launched two dotcom start-ups in Asia before moving to ACE Insurance. Rosaline also grew Mercer Marsh Benefits’ 14 APAC countries 800% over 8 years. Rosaline graduated from UCLA Cybernetics and Columbia Business School.

Yiping Sun
Ms SUN Yiping is Executive Director and CEO of China Mengniu, a listed company in HK Exchange, and President of Mengniu Dairy, a leading Chinese dairy producer that generates an annual revenue of over US $ 7billion, making her one of the few female leaders in the world’s top 20 dairy enterprises. Ms Sun also oversaw the development of a number of strategic…
Odile Chabrillac
Naturopath and journalist specialized in well-being, fitness and nutrition, Odile Chabrillac is the author of ” It’s decided, I think of me “, and ” The food which makes intelligent ” (Editions Plon).
Speaker and trainer, she also leads a book collection in the “Presses de la Renaissance” and manager of works at Plon. And then she runs the web site “the”, a site specialized in well-being and sustainable development.