KPMG provides Audit, Consulting, Law and Taxation, and Chartered Accountancy services to support companies as they develop and transform, following new models of positive and sustainable success. As the first multidisciplinary firm to become an official entreprise à mission (French legal framework in which businesses pursue sustainability goals) in 2022, KPMG continues its commitment by nurturing all its talents to achieve excellence within an inclusive, attentive culture that is firmly rooted in our values.

With women representing more than half of its workforce, the company’s progress is bolstered by the attractiveness of certain professions to a female audience and an improved path for women towards managerial and partnership positions. In 2024, KPMG has achieved a gender-equal new Partner In 2023, KPMG is going a little further in how it strengthens its female leadership programs and promotes equal partners in France. KPMG is a very early partner of EVE, which is year after year a outstanding opportunity to extend our development initiatives and continue raise awareness among our male and female leaders. “Be yourself and unleash your potential” is key to success. We are still seeing the positive effects of this seminar years after our teams first came back from the event!


Manon Carvalho

Manon Carvalho

Program Director-Corporate University, SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE

Tiphaine David le Mahier

Tiphaine David le Mahier

Group HR Transformation Manager, Crédit Agricole S.A.

Cécile Courtaud

Cécile Courtaud

Directrice développement des talents et dirigeants

Stéphanie Nervegna

Stéphanie Nervegna

Talents director, Culture and Transformation, KPMG

Anne Blanquet

Anne Blanquet

Manager and Executive Development Director - SNCF

Yasmina Jaidi

Yasmina Jaidi

Global Head - L'Oréal University for Leadership & Culture

Brigitte Sabotier

Brigitte Sabotier

Talent Management Leaders Director, ORANGE

Marie-Agnès Debar

Marie-Agnès Debar

Internal Executive Coach, DANONE