
The EVE Program, an innovative initiative by Danone in collaboration with other companies, addresses the challenge of advancing women’s careers in the professional world. The program aims to bolster women’s leadership, enhancing both individual development and collective performance. Achieving gender balance at all levels of the company is now recognized as a crucial factor for growth and success.

To accomplish this, Danone focuses on two key areas: the external “glass ceiling” (career management and inclusive organization) and the internal “glass ceiling” (behavioral stereotypes held by both men and women).

By accelerating the transformation of companies and society, the program empowers everyone—men and women alike—to embrace their true selves. This unleashes energy, promotes collaboration, and enhances leadership, ultimately leading to greater personal fulfillment.


Manon Carvalho

Manon Carvalho

Program Director-Corporate University, SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE

Tiphaine David le Mahier

Tiphaine David le Mahier

Group HR Transformation Manager, Crédit Agricole S.A.

Cécile Courtaud

Cécile Courtaud

Directrice développement des talents et dirigeants

Stéphanie Nervegna

Stéphanie Nervegna

Talents director, Culture and Transformation, KPMG

Anne Blanquet

Anne Blanquet

Manager and Executive Development Director - SNCF

Yasmina Jaidi

Yasmina Jaidi

Global Head - L'Oréal University for Leadership & Culture

Brigitte Sabotier

Brigitte Sabotier

Talent Management Leaders Director, ORANGE

Marie-Agnès Debar

Marie-Agnès Debar

Internal Executive Coach, DANONE