Anjali Sharma
Founder at Narrative: The Business of Stories
Anjali is the founder of Narrative, a multinational story practice, working with brands such as Meta, LinkedIn, Airbnb, Bytedance TikTok, Microsoft & Shell. The practice focuses on helping individuals and organizations find, curate and tell their story. Anjali has spoken on Strategic Storytelling in New York, Russia, India, Singapore, Japan, Australia, and many other Southeast Asian countries. She is the best-selling co-author of “Unleash Your Voice” and “Success Mindsets Anthology” (Wall Street Journal and a USA Today Bestseller). Her new book, “Strategic Storytelling: Why Some Stories Drive Your Success at Work and Other’s Don’t” is launching in 2024 published by Hachette Book Group, a leading US trade publisher and a division of the third largest trade and educational book publisher in the world, Hachette Livre.