Find out the best moments of the EVE Program International… in video! All Interview Plenary Sessions Participants' Feedbacks Best Moments of the Program Interview with Chekeba Hachémi, "Afghanistan Libre" PresidentWoman leader's testimony - Barbara Lavernos (French version)"Stop being nice, start being real" - Thomas d'Ansembourg (French version)When women change the world - Frédérique Bedos (Frédérique Bedos)When women change the world - Marianne Sébastien (French version)Inteview with Jean-Edouard Grésy, Co-founder and Partner of AlterNego Interview with Florence Servan-Schreiber, Happiness Teacher and authorWoman leader's testimony - Mari-Noëlle Jégo-Laveissière (French version)The Wise Committee in action (French version)The best moments of the EVE Program International 2016Woman leader testimony - Swaady MartinThe highlights of the EVE Program 2015 Interview with Amina Slaoui, AMH group PresidentWhen women change the world - Chékéba Hachemi (French version)Let's live peacefully with our stereotypes - Patrick Scharnitzky (French version)Interview with Frédérique Bedos, Journalist and founder of "The Humble Heroes"Interview with Joanna Barsh, McKinsey & Company Director Emeritus et auteurWebserie "Those who dared" When women change the world - Amina Slaoui (French version)How to negotiate barriers to cooperation? - Jean-Edouard Grésy (French version)Introduction to Mindfulness - Martial Vidaud (French version)Interview with Patrick Scharnitzky, Consultant for diversity, affiliate Professor at ESCP EuropeInterview with Marianne Sébastien, CEO of the NGO "Voies Libres International"