The EVE webmagazine team, headed up by Valérie Hernandez Amalou, met participants of the various EVE International and EVE Asia seminars to collect their feedback. What memories do they have …
“Find ways to enjoy the present moment, to dare, to be where you need to be”
Those who dared #7 / Christine Lagrée, Digital Transformation Director – Caisse des Dépôts
“Limits are more inside ourselves rather than on the outside”
Discover Caroline Nicaise’s experience at the first edition of EVE Program in 2010.
What she learned is that we have to work on our fears and built our trust.
“Dans la vie, on a plus de chance d’obtenir ce que l’on demande que ce que l’on mérite”
Laurent Venot, Global General Manager for the L’Oréal Group Supply Chain, attended the EVE Program in 2011. He tells us how, as an “enlightened” man, he implements gender diversity in his daily life.
“C’est en étant aligné.e avec ses valeurs que l’on devient une personne de confiance”
Rencontre avec Julie Caredda, Associée Data Analytics chez KPMG