“Are you well?”A simple question. Three words. Yet one of the biggest changes Steven Macgregor has witnessed in the midst of The Great Reset has been “well” replacing the previous stalwart of opening small talk, “busy.” Let’s have look at his article!
Up for debate: do crises bring invisible workers into the spotlight?
Do crises really draw public attention to professions that have become invisible? Once those crises have passed, do the people who have been brought into the spotlight go back behind the curtain, or does the public stick to its opinion about their value to society? Here is some food for thought.
Younger generations are more equal. Discuss
80% of 18-30 year olds believe that their generation is less sexist than previous generations. The editorial staff at the EVE wemagazine looked into whether young people today do indeed take a more equal approach than their elders…
What is eco-feminism?
We have two key issues on our agenda today: women and the environment, and we’re looking to see if there could be a connection between the two.
The approach taken by the ecofeminism movement interconnects the challenges of women’s empowerment with the challenges of environmental protection. But what is the ecofeminist movement really about? How did it get started? Who are its followers and figureheads? How does it make a difference? And what criticism has it drawn? The EVE webmagazine team takes a closer look.
5 tips to avoid decision-making bias
Stereotypes can thwart how we analyze situations and though we might not realize, influence our choices. The good news is that we can do something about it! Here are some tips to protect yourself as far as possible against decision-making bias.
What are mirror neurons?
Sometimes nicknamed “empathy neurons” or “Gandhi neurons”, mirror neurons are understood to be what causes contagious yawning and the perception of non-verbal language.
Tips & Opinions – Promoting gender equity by Avivah Wittenberg-Cox
“We are working very hard to get women out of the stereotypes they’ve put them in,” states Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, CEO of 20-first.
Little tips to reduce a big mental load!
How do you go about reducing your mental load? Here are a few tips.
Career Equality: To Get There, Use Evidence-Based Management
Nearly half of all S&P 500 employees are women, but they only hold 37% of first or mid-level management positions and less than 6% are CEOs. Although more women are now in senior management roles than ever before, the pipeline to the top is still leaky, meaning that the number of women who get to leadership positions does not reflect the proportion of women further down the ranks.
What’s the buzz about benevolence? We take a closer look!
Let’s take a closer look of the concept of benevolence. Where does the word come from? How can we define it? What’s the theory behind it? How can we put it into practice?