She Leads: News about women empowerment

Eve, Le Blog Social Impact

Welcome to a new entry of our bi-monthly press review about women empowerment, featured on Instagram and our website. Below, you will find five stories we recommend. We hope you enjoy your read!

Turtle’s Pace

Science Gender Gap Could Last Generations

Without further action, the gender gap in fields such as surgery and computer science will take decades to fix, a new study found.

Source: The Conversation

By the Numbers

The Proportion of U.K. Working Mothers Has Risen by 50% Since to Mid 1970’s

But women still earn less than their male counterparts in a great majority of cases.

Source: BBC

Empowering Conversations

Helping Women Get Better Salaries

The American Association of University Women offers free workshops to teach salary

negotiation to women. Over 30,000 have completed the course.

Source: CNN Money

Wasted Potential

A Key for Growth in India? Women

Women are only 27% of India’s workforce. Growth would greatly increase with more women working.

Source: Bloomberg

Words’ Worth

Books by Women Priced 45% Less

A study of over 2 million titles showed the work of women authors is less valued.

Source: The Guardian