Corine Tap
President Director Danone Aqua and General Manager Integrator Danone Indonesia
President Director Danone Aqua and General Manager Integrator Danone Indonesia Dutch by birth, 45 years, married and mum of 4. Since january 2017 Corine is the first woman leading the Aqua business that with 12,500 people and 21 factories is Danone’s biggest water business and the biggest B corp in Asia. She is leading the transformation of the business with a big passion and commitment for sustainability and innovation, bringing Danone’s one Planet One Health to life in Indonesia Before that Corine lead the Early Life Nutrition business in Australia and New Zealand, steering it through the Fontera quality crisis and the China baby food boom.
Prior to that she worked for many years in different roles in first Unilever then Danone in the Netherlands, China, Indonesia and India. Sports and travel adventures with the family are her other big passions.