Un Grand Prix Louise Tallerie toujours plus innovant

Eve, Le Blog Dernières contributions, Développement personnel, Egalité professionnelle, Leadership, Responsabilité Sociale, Rôles modèles

La rédaction du blog EVE suit chaque année avec grande attention le Grand Prix Etudiantes Crédit Agricole Louise Tallerie, une manifestation en intimes résonnances avec les valeurs de notre Programme… A deux semaines de la Finale, notre équipe s’est glissée dans les coulisses de la préparation de l’édition 2015, en recueillant les confidences de Marie Pelpel, responsable marque employeur et relations avec l’enseignement supérieur du groupe Crédit Agricole S.A.

Emmanuelle Jardat: “The biggest challenge in the future of women’s leadership is mobility”

Eve, Le Blog Dernières contributions, Développement personnel, Egalité professionnelle, Leadership, Responsabilité Sociale, Rôles modèles

Emmanuelle Jardat is Director of Innovation and CSR for the “entreprises France” department at Orange.
She is also the mother of five children, a teacher at the Centrale school, creator of women’s networks, blogger, author of a cookery book, the list goes on.
Active, enthusiastic, generous and open-minded, she believes that “joy is an essential value” in our existence (and therefore also in work) and thinks that promoting women’s leadership always “benefits everyone”.

« Thank you is the most important word in management”

Eve, Le Blog Développement personnel, Egalité professionnelle, Leadership, Rôles modèles

Jean-Edouard Grésy, co-founder of the firm AlterNego and a regular speaker at EVE, has just brought out a book co-written with a leading figure in sociology today, Alain Caillé: La Révolution du don (the revolution of giving).

This book is at once the denunciation of a utilitarian dogma, an invitation to (re) discover the passionate works of Marcel Mauss, and an anti-guide to managerial intelligence. The fascinating work presents a reevaluation of the role that giving plays in social relationships in order to analyze human models of organization.