2013 edition of the Prix Entrepreneure Responsable – And the winner is : Samantha Pastour!

Eve, Le Blog Dernières contributions, Egalité professionnelle, Leadership, Responsabilité Sociale, Rôles modèles

The winner of the 2013 edition of the Prix Entrepreneure Responsable has been revealed during the event « And the winner is… » organized on the 25th of March at The Musée Dapper (Paris) in partnership with AVIVA and Helena Rubinstein.

Samantha Pastour, founder and CEO of Bill’iz, was selected by the Jury amongst three finalists.


Samantha Pastour, an amazing woman for an amazing project!

At 34 years old, Samantha created Bill’iz in 2012 as an innovative place for those who do not like to waste. Bill’iz is an online platform where we can learn how to maintain, sale, repair, give or rent our items (high tech, household appliance, automotive). We can also find repairmen and after sale services on the platform.

The Jury has been convinced by this unique project based on circular economy that answers to consumers growing expectations to give a second life to their items. Avoiding waste and protecting the environment are key to the project, as well as giving back to NGO through donations, and participating in the future to the insertion of young people away from employment for too long, and of disabled persons.

Samantha also managed to build a team around her and find operational and business partners to support her project.

Bill’iz fits perfectly with the Prix Entrepreneure Responsable positioning and criteria. As well as Samantha personality mixing entrepreneurship, determination, market awareness, ability to convince and involvement towards the society issues.

Samantha will be supported by a Dream Team of qualified specialists from EPWN-Paris through 80 hours of mentoring in the fields that are the most relevant to her and Bill’iz. The Price proves that we can have innovative ideas and create a new model mixing business and social responsibility!


Feel free to dare!

This 2013 edition of the Prix Entrepreneure Responsable has been focused on bringing to EPWN-Paris members and non members the occasion to listen and share with great personalities involved into building a more responsible society. The key starting point is to be fine with you and feel free to dare.mentioned Florence Haxel, Founder of mesbonnescopines.com.

They agreed that recent evolution is encouraging as CSR concepts generate new business. CSR is becoming a source of innovation and business model changes for answering the society mutation, through the expectations, and sometimes pressure, of consumers, NGO…” quoted Elisabeth Laville, Founder of Utopies.

Two visionary men also joined us during this inspiring debate : Jacques Attali, President of A&A and Planet Finance, opened the evening insisted that “going from individualism to altruism is a survival condition for Human kind. The Prix Entrepreneure Responsable participates to this global movement. ». Mathieu Baudin, ecoprospectiviste, Director of L’Institut des Futurs Souhaitables, concluded by suggesting to “go for better by exploring the future. Do it by putting together people who are different. Tomorrow will be based not only on sharing resources but also responsibilities and ideas. The worst that could happen is success !


The 2013 edition of the Prix Entrepreneure Responsable closes its doors on a new entrepreneure aimed to do her part in making business in a more responsible way!



By Nathalie Prieur & Laurence Piekarski